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August 30th, 2006 · Posted by Skuds in Politics · No Comments · Politics

I found this story in today’s paper totally amazing. Apparently some firefighters in Scotland are facing disciplinary hearings because they refused to hand out fire safety leaflets at the Glasgow gay pride march. Just when it looked like things were getting better and we might be starting to grow up as a society.

One of the reasons given was that it was against their moral beliefs… Surely they were supposed to be doing a mixture of public relations and safety education. Does it matter whether they agree with the morals of the public? If there was a fire at a gay sauna would they refuse to rescue anyone because it was against their moral beliefs?

Another reason given was that it would be embarrassing for them to attend the event in uniform… as embarrassing as revealing themselves to have attitudes at least 30 years out-of-date?

I think the brigade should show some humour when deciding the outcome though and instead of sacking or demoting them just rename their watch from red watch to pink watch.


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