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Goals Galore!

December 12th, 2006 · Posted by Skuds in Life · No Comments · Life

Last Sunday the Observer had a story in its sports section about how boring the Premier league is compared to the other European leagues. The telling statistic for them was the average number of goals scored per game. We were running at just over 2 while most other leagues were around 3.25 or higher. Something like that anyway.

At the time I thought the timing was a tiny bit unfortunate as the day before had a 3-0, a 4-0, a 2-2 and a couple of 2-1s but since then it has got even less accurate. During the week there was a 2-1 and a 3-2, but on Saturday there were 8 games with 26 goals between them, including 3 games with 4 goals and one with 6 goals. Thats an average on Saturday of 3.25 goals per game.

As a supporter of one of the teams on the wrong end of one of the 4-0 thumpings I can only wish that the Premier league was even half as boring as the Observer said the week before!

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