One of my photos

The old ones *are* the best

December 23rd, 2006 · Posted by Skuds in Life · No Comments · Life

Why is it that I saw a clip of Morecambe and Wise with Andre Previn this evening and had tears of laughter in my eyes? How many times must I have seen that sketch? I must have seen it half a dozen times this year alone but it still tickles me as much as the famous ‘four candles’ sketch.

Much as I love The League of Gentlemen, Father Ted, Spaced, Green Wing and all the rest, I am not sure I will still get involuntary gigles and tears from watching them in 30 years’ time, yet I would not be surprised if I still had the same reaction to Eric Morecambe’s little twitch of the mouth when Andre Preview tells him he is playing all the wrong notes.

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