One of my photos

Pot at school

February 11th, 2007 · Posted by Skuds in Politics · 5 Comments · Politics

If Dave Cameron smoked a few joints at school then good luck to him, but he still deserves some criticism: not for having a sly puff but for the sheer precociousness of doing it at school and not waiting until university as tradition demands.

I doubt if anyone at my (state) school had ever seen illegal drugs, if they did they never mentioned it.  I can only assume that society moved on in the 4 years since I went to school and Dave went.  Either that or its just another example of how they do things differently at Eton. 


5 Comments so far ↓

  • Danivon

    Ptcha! Most people I know tried a puff before university age.

  • Jane Skudder

    I think the answer may be that it was a lot easier for the Etonians to afford drugs.

  • Skuds

    I must have led a sheltered life, and I am obviously a late developer myself.

    The whole thing is a lot of fuss about nothing. The papers should be more worried about what he wasn’t doing rather than what he was doing – like how he has never held any portfolio at all, nor any shadow portfolio.

    Considering all the newspaper comments in 1997 about how inexperienced the Labour frontbench was it smacks of double-standards.

  • Skuds

    Easier to afford? All the papers keep telling us how scandalously cheap illegal drugs are (when they are taking a break from telling how expensive everything is in “rip-off Britain”)

  • Jane Skudder

    Yeah, but when Cameron was at Eton they were trying to price the oiks out of the whole recreational drugs market. I bet you can get really naff Burberry patterned dope now….From Aldi.