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February 22nd, 2007 · Posted by Skuds in Politics · 4 Comments · Politics

I wanted to write something about this new BNP trade union, Solidarity – having seen it mentioned by Tom Watson, Mike Ion and others, but i was just too slow.

It turns out that johninnit has said just about everything I could want to say about it already.

He points out that anyone joining Solidarity is unlikely to get the benefits of collective bargaining as there would be little chance of there being many other members (if any) and even less chance of any company recognising the union – apart from certain road haulage firms, obviously.

He also points out that, given the reputations and exploits of many BNP members, the union’s legal fund would be bled dry before you ever got to need it.

On top of all those practical reasons why it would be better to join a proper union, affiliated to the TUC, there is also a very big moral reason not to join a fascist union, but since Searchlight, Stop the BNP and the UAF already have that angle covered I think it was a good move to try and engage the self-interest of anyone even contemplating such a thing.

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4 Comments so far ↓

  • johninnit

    Cheers Skuds – yes, I really find this perplexing. Maybe there is a reason for it, related to what you say: If the BNP don’t have their own union, prospective members might join proper unions, where they’d get a proper education about the BNP!

  • Richard

    My own ‘take’ on this is that this idea of a BNP ‘Union’ is simply another cynical, desperate attempt by the BNP to seek legitimacy from a union-minded electorate – rather like the Nazis callig itself the National Socialist Party to dupe the German working class in the 1930’s.

    The BNP is aping the Mosleyite British Union of Fascists – and should be seen for what it is – a pernicious, nasty racist party which appeals to the worst instincts of human nature.

  • Ketlan

    More on Solidarity here.

  • Richard

    May I suggest we keep an eye on Horsham and the BNP – the latter (as we know) are desperate for intellectual legitimacy before May’s elections, but their thuggish, racist pathology will soon begin to show through…

    West Sussex County Times appears to be keeping a close eye on developments…this week, there is a letter and a separate feature/photo of Nick Griffin and Gang challenging/intimidating Francis Maude to a ‘debate’.

    I hope the latter totally ignores them until the electioneering starts ‘officially’ in April…