One of my photos

Oops. Again.

March 5th, 2007 · Posted by Skuds in Technology · No Comments · Technology

Many apologies to the kind soul who left a comment about the programme on TV tonight where Tim Marlowe looks at the Gilbert & George exhibiton at Tate Modern, and which I accidentally deleted…

What happens is that only comments from ‘known’ people go straight on the site. Everything else which survives the various spam filters goes into a moderation queue where I approve anything from real normal human beings and delete anything from spammers. Unfortunately the signal:noise ratio is very high and many days I just scan through very quickly, tick the ‘mark all for deletion’ box and press the delete button.

I did that today and in the split second between doing that and everything getting zapped I took in the content of one comment which was actually real… amazing how the brain works, that I managed to pick out the words “Tim Marlowe”, “Gilbert & George” and “tonight” in an instant, but a shame the brain couldn’t have done that while I was scanning through.

(more oops… its not tonight is it? TM is on Tuesdays. My speed-reading is obviously not what it could be)

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