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Icky Thump

June 20th, 2007 · Posted by Skuds in Music · 1 Comment · Music

I have really lucked out with eMusic this month – with two albums available for download on the day of release and all DRM-free. The first was Paul McCartney, and yesterday I downloaded the White Stripes’ new album Icky Thump.

Not bad for £8.99 and I still have 5 tracks left. I might use them up with some obscure prog rock, metal, krautrock or industrial stuff which I wouldn’t otherwise bother with.

I have only just got round to listening to it, and after one hearing I am already quite fond of it. All very catchy and exactly what you would expect from the White Stripes.

I was looking round the FNAC website for advance warning of Manu Chao or Les Negresses Vertes material and came across their review of Icky Thump, which I am sure I would agree with if could understand it all…

Enregistré en 3 semaines à Nashville, le son de Icky Thump est brut, crasseux, et fort bien huil. Que les aficionados se rassurent, ce nouvel opus ne poursuit pas la tentative entamée avec Get behind Me Satan (2005) de faire passer des vessies pour des lanternes ou des pianos pour des guitares.

If that means its bombastic back to basics electric blues then its spot on.


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