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Mr Popular

June 9th, 2007 · Posted by Skuds in Politics · 1 Comment · Politics

I am feeling very popular at the moment, having just received letters from Peter Hain, Alan Johnston and Harriet Harman telling me how they all want to be my best friend and an e-mail from my union telling me they want John Cruddas to be my best friend. All three letters make different points and are all very persuasive.

Probably too persuasive because at the end of each one I am convinced they are the best choice for deputy leader, then I read another one and I’m convinced differently. I don’t want my decision to be based on which letter I read last!

One thing they all have in common the stress they put on the second preference, which I had not even given any consideration to. I am still leaning strongly towards Cruddas but the second preference could be any of them with the likely exception of Hazel Blears.

Mind you, I haven’t had a letter from her yet. When I do that will probably be as convincing as all the others.

I do feel sorry for our postman. I think there are ten or eleven party members in this road so with begging letters from all the candidates, potentially second letters to those of us with a union vote as well, union members in the road who are not members of the party, and then the ballot papers, he is going to need an assistant this week.


One Comment so far ↓

  • Danivon

    One thing that struck me was Harman’s claim that a Brown-Harman pairing won more votes for Labour according to a YouGov poll

    True, but it lost the same number of votes. It had the same net effect as a Brown-Benn leadership.

    It’s going to be a long week for members…