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Plausible fact time

July 19th, 2007 · Posted by Skuds in Work · No Comments · Work

If you went around all the offices in the UK and collected every ream of photocopying paper which is sitting underneath a computer monitor to raise it up 5 centimetres you could build a stack of paper which would reach three-quarters of the way to the moon.

I just made that up, but it sounds plausible. ((Thanks to the miracle of Google I half expect to see this “fact” crop up as a quiz question or appear in a trivia feature at some time in the future)) Are monitors made too short? Do computer users not realise that the stands on TFT screen are adjustable? Why is it always a ream of paper which is used? I reckon that if you went around a large company’s office building collecting all the paper which is used as a monitor stand they would not have to buy any paper for several months.

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