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Gods behaving badly

August 5th, 2007 · Posted by Skuds in Life · 3 Comments · Life

The Review section of the Guardian today provided a double surprise. First it was seeing a review of Gods Behaving Badly by Marie Phillips, but the biggest surprise was to not learn about it first from Lisa.

After reading the review I really fancied reading the book, and that doesn’t happen too often. This is not just because she used to work in my favourite bookshop, but it really does sound fun. The subject is similar to early Tom Holt books like Expecting Someone Taller where ancient mythical characters not only really did exist but still do and are now fitting in somehow with modern life, but there is no hint of it being a sort of re-hash of Tom Holt, which is a relief.

According to Catherine Taylor in the Grauniad the book is “ingeniously imagined and satisfyingly lusty” and “vastly entertaining”. That’ll do for me!

Its just a shame that the author’s blog is now members-only…

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