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Arnos Grove??

October 19th, 2007 · Posted by Skuds in Life · 3 Comments · Life

I was sharing some idle speculation with others, mostly Danivon, about which buildings would feature in the Guardian’s series of ‘Great Modern Buildings’ when neither of us were aware it was a two-week feature and not just one week.

So I was a little peeved when it featured the Gherkin (his guess) instead of the Sydney Opera House (my guess) last week but then cheered up when the opera house featured this week. I was pleasantly surprised to see the Zaha Hadid building turn up as well. I would have nominated her, but expected her to be overlooked as she so often is over here.

Like so many of the better British architects, Hadid gets nearly all her commissions from abroad. We do seem to be, Gherkin and Lloyds building notwithstanding, terribly conservative with our building design over here and you get architects who are being employed to design airports, art galleries, major sports facilities and other large-scale projects overseas who barely get a loft conversion commission in the UK.

When I picked up the paper the other day I had a real double-take though: Arnos Grove tube station. Nothing wrong with it, a fine example of London Transport’s 1930’s design but not really distinctive from half a dozen other tube stations out that way. (But wasn’t everything connected with it so much more stylish when Frank Pick was in charge?)

Dropping that one into the list is making it harder to guess what the last one will be as the scope has really widened now! As Le Corbusier featured today with his funky church the chances of his Marseille apartment block featuring now are very slim.

Mies van der Rohe is conspicuous by his absence, but I am going to go out on a limb and say what about the seven sisters or one of the building influenced by them? If only to see how the Grauniad’s typesetters cope with something like “Kotyelnicheskaya Nabyerezhnaya embankment”.

But of course, the chances are that bloody Danivon will be right again and it will be Fallingwater.

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3 Comments so far ↓

  • skud's sister

    Unless they are giving out the last one tomorrow then I’m afraid Danivon was right. Although I do recall seeing something about a build your own Empire State Building so he could go out on a technicality!

  • Skuds

    I am looking forward to building my own Empire State Building but have no idea where I will keep it.

  • skud's sister

    We are selling make your own model tardis kits – it’s bound to fit in there!