One of my photos

Local Hero

January 4th, 2009 · Posted by Skuds in Life · No Comments · Life

I know I spend a lot of time moaning about the queues in Somerfield, but then I do spend a lot of time in queues at Somerfield, but credit where it is due.  On New Year’s Eve we heard that a youngster who went to primary school with Chrystal and who Jayne used to look after, had collapsed and died down at the shopping parade.

A little later we heard that he had not died (although some people there said he ‘died’ for a minute or two).  In fact he was revived by paramedics, but in the meantime the security guard at Somerfield had done some CPR and other first aid which almost certainly saved the boy’s life.

He is still in hospital, apparently in an induced coma, but due to be revived soon and still alive thanks to some quick thinking at Somerfield.  Is it too early to recommend one of those Mayor’s awards for the security guard there?

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