I did not receive this Tory election leaflet, because I don’t live in Worthing, but it is still a funny story. Basically, the Worthing Tories were obviously taking some sort of template or boilerplate leaflet and then ‘localising’ it.  One piece of text they forgot to change was a URL for their website so it went to the printers advertising www.websitenameconservatives.info instead of their real URL.
One of the early recipients was a Lib Dem who spotted this, bought up the domain name and populated it with reasons to not vote Conservative.Brilliant. The Worthing Tories are not happy about it and are complaining about ‘dirty tricks’.  I think that if it happened to me I would not be happy either, but I wouldn’t be pointing the finger at anyone exceptthe person who didn’t proofread the paperwork properly, and I would still appreciate the humour of it.
But then I have a sense of humour. So does our old chum James Doyle of the Worthing Lib Dems. Judging by their comments the Worthing Tories do not.
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