I just found a single Spizz track on Spotify and it is a bit of a surprise one.
I have all the Spizz singles (somewhere) from the first Spizz Oil 7-incher through to the Spizzles, plus the Spizzenergi:2 single ‘Work’. I have both the A&M albums and all the compilation CDs that were officially released plus a lot of the home-brewed ones sold at gigs. On top of that I have quite a few tapes of live songs and demos.
And yet I am pretty sure I have never heard Burning by Spizz’s Big Business off the Freedom to Rock compilation album, which I know I have never heard of.
I have to say, it is not the best Spizz song ever and no substitute for Soldier, Soldier or any of the other better-known songs.  For now, if you want Spizzenergi online you have to stick to Amazon, who have all the hits available to download for 69p a track.
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