I had a bit of a surprise yesterday. Jayne came home with a new TV.
Only the other day I realised that I was possibly the only person I knew who was persisting with a CRT television, and now I don’t have that distinction as we have one of those plasma jobbies.The screen is about 15cm larger than the old set, but it doesn’t dominate the room so much because of the reduced bulk and the fact that it is black and does not stand out so much against the dark wall.   I have spent half the weekend getting all my stuff wired up to it and changing the settings to display in HD. I even bothered connecting the old VCR.
Haven’t actually watched a lot on it though; I am on a bit of a book binge at the moment, reading all of Christopher Brookmyre’s books again in order, one ofter the other. Currently halfway through the seventh after starting about a week and a half ago.
Had to test the thing out though, and remembered I had a DVD I was saving for a special occasion: Survival of the Dead. Brilliant film, but it is a zombie film by George A Romero so it was knew I was going to like it anyway, but I wasn’t prepared for the excellence of ‘death by fire extinguisher’.
I should have stopped while I was on a roll, but tonight decided to watch 2012 just to see if it really is as bad as everyone says it is. I figured that the spectacle and special effects would look good on a big screen even if the story was a big pile of cack but by the end I had to agree that it really is bad. Even worse than Forrest Gump. Maybe even worse than that Sherlock Holmes mockbuster.
But who cares. Got a nice big screen to watch the World Cup on 🙂
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