One of my photos


December 8th, 2010 · Posted by Skuds in Life · 3 Comments · Life

I don’t know if Brian Gardner of Pound Hill is a real person or just a name the Crawley News made up as part of an attempt to bait liberals (with a small l).  It would appear that there was a story in last week’s paper where somebody said they were gay but they don’t think it matters.  I am assuming that because we didn’t get our paper delivered last week because of the snow that Crawley council are boasting they handled so well in this week’s paper…  a neat little irony there.

Anyway, the letter this week from ‘Brian Gardner’ goes into a bit of a rant, ending with:

It does matter, I do care, I am worried, it does affect how I vote, and I strongly object to being called a bigot and small-minded for supporting moral values.

Oh dear.

I don’t think I can be bothered writing to the paper in reply, but I’m sure lots of others will.  If I did I think I would say something like:

Here is a tip for Mr Gardner.  If you don’t want to be called a bigot or small-minded then why not keep your bigoted, small-minded views to yourself instead of proudly shouting them out in a newspaper?

I look forward to seeing what response there is next week.  Unless it snows again and the council handle it all as superbly as last week.

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3 Comments so far ↓

  • Richard W.

    Ever since Crawley News had a new editor, it is reading more like a rabid local Daily Mail each week – which I suppose comes as no surprise, as it comes from the same DMG stable .

    Sad to see.

    Crawley Observer (‘Obby’) was beginning to read like the local Sun, ever since Johnston Press brought in a non-executive director from Murdoch’s News International – but he seems to have disappeared, so the quality has improved.

    Happy to see.

  • Richard W.

    Everthing to do with the News printing a letter that (unjustly) criticises my rabbit-keeping skills 😉

    That was one special rabbit – just think how you would feel if the same fate befell your special cat.