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The Torchwood credibility gap

September 16th, 2012 · Posted by Skuds in Life · 2 Comments · Life

I recently watched the first two series of Torchwood on DVD. For the purposes of entertainment I am quite capable of willingly suspending disbelief, just like I was taught to at school, but only up to a point.

I’ll go along with there being a rift in space and time at Cardiff, I’ll accept that everybody in the world (with the exception of Rhys and PC Andy) is bisexual, I can go along with the idea that Torchwood is ultra, ultra, top secret but even grannies in Cardiff know all about them, but I still can’t believe that Torchwood only provides one company vehicle and that they all refer to it as “the SUV”.

Nobody actually refers to SUVs as SUVs do they? Surely they would just call it a car. At a push they might refer to it as a jeep (even though it is actually a Land Rover or Range Rover. I’m not Jeremy Clarkson so I’m not sure which it is) perhaps. We used to have a little Suzuki 4×4 and just used to call it a car or sometimes jeep just to differentiate between it and the Fiesta we had at the same time. Maybe Americans would and Cap’n Jack is somehow American even though he is from another planet, but even Gwen refers to it as “the SUV”.

Even the deus ex machina ending of Miracle Day is more believable than that!


2 Comments so far ↓

  • Don QuiScottie

    You are jumping to conclusions about what SUV refers to. I have contacts you know, little contacts with big eyes, who go everywhere in their Spacetime Urban Vectordrives

  • Skuds

    I watched all of the Children of Earth series today and came to the conclusion that there is something even more unconvincing about Torchwood – Captain Jack’s running style!