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Today’s bright idea: an ironic app

August 30th, 2013 · Posted by Skuds in Technology · No Comments · Technology

I may be throwing stones around a glass house a bit here since I use them myself, but I am finding it more and more difficult to cope with Captchas. I find myself wondering whether that “c” should be upper- or lower-case, whether that other squiggle is a “z” a “2” or just some random lines. Sometimes I click the button to generate a new one and that is just as bad, or even worse.

Earlier on today I was trying to creat an app in the developer bit of Facebook and got stumped by their Captcha and found myself wishing I had a little app or utility that could read the Captcha text for me and display in in plain text for me to type in.

I immediately realised that this would negate the whole basis of Captchas, could introduce a paradox that would threaten the very fabric of space, time and the internet, but would be wonderfully ironic.

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