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Will the last minister to leave the Foreign Office please turn out the lights

August 12th, 2014 · Posted by Skuds in Politics · 1 Comment · Politics

I have never really taken to Baroness Warsi, but at least she resigned on a matter of principle, unlike Mark Simmonds. I don’t think that being unable to scrape by on many times the average wage really counts as a principle.

When I see him complaining that MPs’ expenses can’t pay for him to rent a flat in London, when those expenses would allow him to spend over £2300 a month on a flat I imagine that all those people in London who are not even taking home £2300 a month but still somehow managing to get by will be searching Ebay for the world’s smallest violin.

I also imagine that anybody who has to work away from home driving lorries, out on fishing boats, with the armed forces in Afghanistan, or just tgravelling to visit customers to earn a whole lot less than the £89k junior minister’s salary will be similarly sympathetic.

No wonder there is so much resentment aimed at politicians these days.

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