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Entries from July 22nd, 2024

If I had my time again

July 22nd, 2024 · Comments Off on If I had my time again · Life, Music

I have seen Sliding Doors and have read a lot of science fiction time travel books, so I know that if I had my time again I should not change anything. For sure, there have been some bad times, but if those bad time had not happened I would not be where I am now. […]



Round the houses

July 19th, 2024 · Comments Off on Round the houses · Life

I had an unexpected bonus motorbike ride last night. Jayne called to say that she could not find her car key so I had to go up to West London to take my key (or as she calls then “the spare key”) so she could get home. It sounds simple enough, but you have to […]


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Death by Democracy

July 13th, 2024 · Comments Off on Death by Democracy · Life, Politics

Anybody who has worked in any sort of office job will be familiar with the phrase “death by powerpoint” to describe the arse-numbing boredom of sitting in one place while being subjected to a stream of bar charts and bullet points. This week I coined the phrase “death by democracy” when faced with a local […]


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Just take my money already

July 8th, 2024 · Comments Off on Just take my money already · Life, Music

A few weeks ago I was in a record shop, Wow & Flutter in Hastings. I was chatting to the owners, Tim and Susan and complaining about how we do not have anything similar in Crawley, or even close to Crawley. I said that there are absolutely no independent record shops or shops selling used […]


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June 2024

July 3rd, 2024 · Comments Off on June 2024 · Life

June was a bit of an anti-climax after all the excitement of going over to Germany in May, but although I didn’t get as far as Cologne this month, at least I got out on my bike for more than just local trips. I had a couple of 100+ mile days, one up to Essex […]


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