One of my photos

Bye Bye Hair

July 13th, 2005 · Posted by Skuds in Life · No Comments · Life

In the past few days the Union Flag has been reclaimed from the BNP, so I thought I would do the same for the skinhead hairstyle!

Its too hot for hair at the moment, so tonight I shaved it all off and am now lovely and smooth – apart from the inch-long scar on the top of my head. (I am out of practise) My only regret is losing the sideburns – this is the first time I have ever had them – but they would have looked a bit silly on their own.

I will admit that I was tempted to leave a mohican strip down the middle, just for a day, to see what the management at work would say, but then I thought about what the Mrs would say and decided to just lose it all.


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