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Entries Tagged as 'TV'

Twin Peaks

May 22nd, 2017 · Comments Off on Twin Peaks · Life

There is a lot of hype about a new series of Twin Peaks, which is exciting a lot of people and I kind of wish I was one of them. The thing is, I never watched Twin Peaks when it first came out. It sounds like something I would have enjoyed, so I wonder why […]



Inflation madness

December 14th, 2016 · Comments Off on Inflation madness · Technology

I had an email from Virgin Media the other day. Remember how we used to just have razor blades? And then we started to have razors with two blades? They were advertised by an animation showing how the first blade left a bit of stubble and the second blade caught that? And then it turned […]


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Dirk Gently

December 12th, 2016 · Comments Off on Dirk Gently · Life

I see that Netflix now has a US-made version of Dirk Gently’s Holistic detective Agency available. I saw some odd bits of it while Jayne was watching it on her PC and although there were a few good gags I can’t say that I was tempted to watch it myself, despite (or maybe because of?) […]


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Wave to me

July 6th, 2016 · Comments Off on Wave to me · Life

After a couple of barren days, Euro 2016 is back on the telly again tomorrow, so time for me to get back to my obsession with the shots of the crowd. I am still waiting for for that moment when somebody spots that they have been picked out and then waves at the camera instead […]


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You, Me and the Apocalypse

October 2nd, 2015 · Comments Off on You, Me and the Apocalypse · Life

Despite its reputation for being all about Premier League footie and celebrity vehicles that sound like Alan Partridge came up with the idea, Sky have been knocking out some decent comedies over the last few years. Spy, Trollied, A Touch of Cloth, Moone Boy, Yonderland and Trying again were all series I enjoyed and other […]



The Transporter

September 20th, 2015 · Comments Off on The Transporter · Life

I am getting a bit confused by how Channel 5 is treating the TV series of The Transporter. It is a TV show based on the films of the same name, Luc Besson is involved in the production, and it is a fairly high-budget show, about $40m for the first 12 episodes – high enough […]



Dave Gorman is goodish

December 11th, 2014 · Comments Off on Dave Gorman is goodish · Life

In the past few weeks I have been enjoying Modern Life is Goodish on Dave, featuring Dave Gorman and his PowerPoint slides. Dave Gorman seems to have found a nice little niche doing shows that owe more to presentations than to stand-up comedy but are nevertheless funny.  I imagine that he would be funny without […]


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Genesis: together and apart

October 6th, 2014 · Comments Off on Genesis: together and apart · Music

I got round to watching that Genesis documentary on the iPlayer today. (Still available for a few days). It was entertaining enough but didn’t really have much in there for fans. It was good to see the five main members together in one room talking, but not much from that session was actually used – […]


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Computers do it faster…

September 3rd, 2014 · Comments Off on Computers do it faster… · Technology

…but people do it better! I was quite amused to see the BBC news at lunchtime. At work we have it on screens in the lobby, with the sub-titles on. The sub-titles are, I am pretty sure generated by some computer speech recognition software, and it was having some trouble with David Cameron at PMQs. […]


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This is an ex-Python. It is no more.

July 21st, 2014 · Comments Off on This is an ex-Python. It is no more. · Life

Well I watched the last ever Monty Python show on TV almost live (had to pause it to take the dogs over the field) and was a bit underwhelmed. To be fair, I think this was one of things where you just had to be there. I remember watching an old episode of Fawlty Towers, […]


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