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In church

September 14th, 2004 · Posted by Skuds in Life · No Comments · Life

I went to church this evening. Now this might be normal for many people, but its a bit of a departure for me. The cause of this interruption to my normal heathen life was the licensing of a new local vicar. Within the church this is a big deal, and it must be a very significant moment for the young chap involved too.

It might sound like a silly thing to say, but I was impressed by how religious everyone there was. Most times when I have been into churches everyone else is in the same boat as me – guests at weddings, funerals or christenings who otherwise would not be seen near the place. Or I have been to civic services in country churches where the ‘regulars’ give the impression than they are only going through the motions because the church is the centre of village social life and they have to be seen there. The congregation in Broadfield appear to be very sincere in their beliefs, don’t feel the need to dress formally to go to church, and enjoy being there. They do have ‘happy-clappy’ tendencies, but I don’t doubt that they are there for all the right reasons.

The thing is that, although I don’t have any sort of religious belief myself, I do approve of the churches as a force for good. In a way I am a bit jealous of people who do have faith, whether it is christian, muslim, hindu, or whatever as they have an organisation, leaders and co-worshippers who can give them the sort of support, encouragement and sympathy that I have to supply for myself from within. I said to the new vicar that if he ever needs help with anything he can call, and I meant it. (As long as it doesn’t involve getting up on a Sunday morning!) The way I look at it, the church has been very supportive of the wider community with its provision of the community centre, so us in the wider community can be supportive of the church.

My other regret about not being religious is that I will never get the chance to read bible passages out loud to a crowd. I used to be really good at that when I was at school, and the bible is such a fantastic book to read out loud.

The place was packed. Apart from the local congregation thre was the Bishop of Horsham, the Archdeacon, the Rural Dean (whatever that is), and at least a dozen assorted vicars. I was pleased to see that members of the other churches who share the building also attended – I spotted a few Roman Catholics and members of the Broadfield Fellowship. How refreshing to see a RC nun and trainee priest at an Anglican ceremony! Im not knocking the Rev Mortimer who has been filling in, but I think it will be good for Broadfield to have a vicar of its own, living within the neighbourhood.

Jayne managed to miss the service completely by going to the AGM of Mid Sussex Body Positive, and turned up right at the very end, just in time for the refreshments.

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