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BNP Manifesto

April 25th, 2005 · Posted by Skuds in Politics · No Comments · Politics

According to the newspapers, the BNP manifesto was launched secretly to an almost empty room.

One of the more interesting policies of theirs is ex-servicemen will be made to keep a loaded assault rifle at home. I know, and work with quite a few ex-servicemen and there are a couple of them I would not really want to trust with a blunt knife let alone a loaded assault rifle. Apart from anything, such a scheme would probably result in a wave of ex-servicemen getting accidentally killed by their inquisitive children.

But hold on a minute. Wasn’t there a BNP broadcast just the other night which insisted that a large proportion of homeless people are ex-servicemen? So the BNP policy is to arm the homeless? It might increase the returns for some of the beggars in London to be fully armed, but I can’t see it being a popular measure.

The cost of providing all these weapons, which are not cheap, would then (I assume) be added to the cost of a huge bureaucracy needed to keep track of all these ex-servicemen and their families, otherwise in a generation you would have hundreds of people who just happen to have a loaded assault rifle in the house which used to belong to their dad. Car boot sales would be like weapons fairs!

However, it would be interesting to see a BNP government, because they seem to have forgotten that many servicemen and therefore ex-servicemen are actually black. So they would give hundreds of black people guns and then try to forcibly repatriate them… remind me not to be around on that day!

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