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More door-knocking

July 21st, 2005 · Posted by Skuds in Politics · No Comments · Politics

We had a decent crowd for door-knocking tonight. Keith from the regional office, of course, three of our borough councillors (two of them executive portfolio holders) and three or four ordinary members like myself.

Jayne had no work tonight so she had no excuse for not coming and I dragged her along. She absolutely hates door-knocking, which is fair enough: I can’t stand telephone canvassing and will always do something else instead of that. The ironic thing is that Jayne is so good with people she really ought to do more face-to-face canvassing.

As we finished, the leader of the borough council and a county councillor turned up, having either got the time wrong or travelled up from Chichester or whatever.

I think we all spent as much time catching up on gossip afterwards as we did actually calling on people, but it was worth it. One the people who turned up was the mother of Eugene from Big Brother. Apparently when Eugene first went on the show she spent most of the next week fielding calls from the media.

I still can’t bring myself to watch the programme though.

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