One of my photos

In the papers again

September 21st, 2005 · Posted by Skuds in Life · No Comments · Life

Another one of us got a mention in the local paper this week. It always used to be that the whole point of local journalism was to get as many local names and faces in their pages as possible. If that is still the case our lot are doing a good job, because all our 3 kids have been in the local press quite a few times and we are a pretty ordinary family. Its just a shame about the appalling political bias and Daily Mail levels of doom and gloom that get in there as well.

This time it was an article about the recent annual camp of the army cadets which contained a list of all the kids who went away. Our daughter’s disappointment at having her first name spelled wrong was compensated for by the paper making her a year older than she really is.

Never mind. It was one-third correct, which is about the accuracy of reporting we have come to expect.

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