One of my photos

I’m ninety-six you know

January 3rd, 2006 · Posted by Skuds in Life · No Comments · Life

We had a pretty hilarious time on the way back from Mum's this evening, when we stopped in to see my godmother, Joan, and her mother, Ivy.

Ivy is brilliant. Ninety-six, but still has all her marbles and a good sense of humour.

Joan was showing off a DVD that a relative did for her which was a load of old home videos transferred to disc, and we were watching some footage from Ivy's 90th birthday party.

That was interesting for us because we were there, so we could see our kids while they were still kids and and not teenagers. The party was at the sheltered housing scheme where Ivy lives and all the other residents were there.

Bearing in mind that a lot of them were getting on a bit and this was 6 years ago, Ivy's commentary made it a bit like watching an episode of Dad's Army as it mostly consisted of: "She's dead now", "He went last year", "Thats Fred. He's not with us any more."

A bit morbid, but you have to see the funny side.

What really stunned me was when Ivy mentioned how she had to leave school at 14, and I did the maths and worked out that she was going out to make a living in 1924 or thereabouts. 1924. How different was the world then? Just thinking of the events she has lived through and the changes she has seen really got me thinking.

Joan was remembering how her first car cost about a quarter of how much it costs to fill up her current car with petrol, imagine how much more dramatic are the changes her mother has seen.

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