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Bloggers’ birthday party

February 18th, 2006 · Posted by Skuds in Technology · No Comments · Technology

The Bloggers4Labour site has been up and running for a year now, and a few members (or should that be supporters or participants?) went for a few drinks to celebrate.

Great for me as it was up in Westminster and therefore easy to get to after work. It did mean that it was a long day up in London for me, getting the 06:49 train from Crawley and not getting back home until about 1am the next day, but worth it for a good evening.

Just like the previous meeting in Brighton during the party conference, it was an opportunity to continue fact-to-face some of the discussions and arguments which were started online. Best of all, although most of us disagree on lots of things, its all in a friendly way.

The participants this time round were:

Andrew of Blogger4Labour
Andrew of WongaBlog
Andrew AKA Cllr Andrew Brown

And some non-Andrews:

Tom Hamilton of Let’s be sensible
Neil of BrightonRegency
Damian of PooterGeek
Paul of Mars Hill
Kerron (The voice of the delectable left)
Paulie from Never trust a hippy

Tom, Andrew R, and Damian I had met before. Neil was a lot better in real life, but still as provocative. As a rampant anti-theist he made the most of being sat in-between two prominent christians.

Andrew W was a bit annoyed at us making comparisons between him and the new Doctor Who, but its his own fault for bearing a remarkable resemblance to David Tennant.

Because of space and seating I did not really get to chat to Andrew Brown much and reminisce about life in Lewisham, and nor did I talk much with Paulie – a fellow Gang of Four fan.

Obviously politics cropped up a lot in conversations, along with football, music and Doctor Who. The real surprise is that computers and the Internet did not occupy a lot of our time.

I’m still hoping to meet Bob Piper, Lisa and Martyn at some future piss-up (sorry -“meeting of like-minded souls”) or if they just happen to find themselves visiting London or Crawley. I am still working on persuading the Brighton-based Labour bloggers to pop up the A23 to join us canvassing and campaigning some time.

No photos this time – I sent the camera back to Fujifilm for repairs yesterday. It just stopped working for no reason (shortly after I dropped my bag). But Damian, Andrew W, Paul, Tom and Damian had cameras there.

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