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The Ministry of Truth

June 2nd, 2006 · Posted by Skuds in Politics · 4 Comments · Politics

We all owe a debt of thanks to The Ministry of Truth for spending so much time investigating the right-wing hate site Stormfront to find out the types of comment one of the newly-elected BNP councillors in Sandwell has been saying for the last 5 years. I hope he had a long bath in Dettol afterwards.

I make no apologies for being the 1000th website to link to his post and to make the same comments about it, because there are obviously still a lot of people in the country who have been taken in by the BNP’s attempt to portray itself as a sensible, electable party, so this needs to keep being said until everyone hears it.

First of all MoT proved beyond reasonable doubt that a person posting on Stormfront as “Steve Freedom” is actually Simon Smith who was elected to Sandwell council this year, then he quotes extensively from some of the 2000+ posts he has made in the Stormfront forum.

This is the sort of opinion held, and broadcast by an elected councillor:

The reason why Blacks disproportionately don’t vote is that the frontal part of the brain associated with postponing immediate gratification is not so well developed as in other races. I mean having to go all the way down the street and marking cross on a piece of paper doesn’t bring sex, drugs or the latest pair of trainers.

I hope the people of Great Bridge are happy have such a philosopher represent them. See MoT for his holocaust denials, opinions on black footballers and other gems of wisdom.

I am still an optimist at heart. I believe that many or most of the hundreds of people in Crawley who voted for the BNP do not share such opinions and would be repulsed by them and that if they knew the truth behind the carefully prepared public face of the BNP they would not have voted for them – the alternative (that there are hundreds of people who think like that in Crawley) is really unthinkable.

So, when I am asked by fellow Labour party members what we should do about the BNP in Ifield and elsewhere I will tell them: just make sure the voters know the truth. I don’t think we even need to urge everyone to not vote for the BNP: just let them know what they are really like and voters will come to that conclusion themselves. This is what the UAF should be doing, and not just at election time.

I also read somewhere that one reason the BNP did not contest more seats in Barking was that they could not find enough members who were not disqualified by virtue of having been imprisoned for a violent offence within the previous 5 years. Its something to think about isn’t it? Some of those who did get elected turned out to have huge rent and council tax debts, and some are being investigated for supplying false addresses in their nominations.

Is it more likely that the Crawley branch of the BNP is the exception and is full of decent, honourable nazis or that they have simply not been uncovered yet? If only the Ministry of Truth could be persuaded to turn its forensic abilities towards messrs Atkinson and Trower…

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4 Comments so far ↓

  • Loppy lud

    I should be very careful about any allegations you make against Messrs.Atkinson & Trower , even labourites are not (yet)immune from the law.

  • Richard W. Symonds

    Which “law” is that, Loopy, Bad News Party Law ?

  • E Bungle

    I don’t believe Skuds was accusing anything, simply saying that in his opinion a search into Atkinson and Trower would be “interesting!”

    Isn’t it the BNP themselves who state “defend free speach”?

  • Richard W. Symonds

    BNP have no interest in what decent people mean by “freedom of speech”.

    But they do have an interest in using the powers of a playground bully, to try and muzzle the kind of speech (and the kind of people) they don’t like – much like the bullying tactics of Stalin and Hitler…

    They have been spectacular failures in this regard (so far). Long may that continue – for decent humanity’s sake.