One of my photos


January 9th, 2007 · Posted by Skuds in Music · 2 Comments · Music

I had a fantastic unwind this evening. I put on the DVD of Fleetwood Mac's concert The Dance.

Seriously. I know that my tastes usually tend towards more heavy material but I have had a soft spot for Fleetwood Mac since seeing them play at Wembley Arena on the Tusk tour – where they were actually a whole lot heavier than I expected.

I just can't help breaking out into a grin every time the camera cuts to Mick Fleetwood pulling off a magnificent gurn while pounding away with what looks like a couple of sawn-off broom handles.  And then there is Lindsey Buckingham's virtuoso solo performance of Big Love on a nylon-stringed acoustic guitar and the unbeatable grand finale.

Even though I have watched this many times before I still get a thrill at that point in the song Tusk where the music goes totally mental and then the entire USC Marching Band files down the aisles and joins the band on stage to finish the song with what must be at least a dozen drummers, before the whole show climaxes with Don't Stop augmented by the marching band.  (Yes I know Christine comes on afterwards to do a solo piece at the piano, but I have pressed eject by then)

Fleetwood Mac – don't knock it until you have tried it!  Remember that they still have the rhythm section of what was a decent blues band and at times it shows. 

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2 Comments so far ↓

  • Andrew

    That ‘Big Love’ performance is indeed brilliant. The guitar work is so intricate (I’ve been trying to learn it) and he sings so well at the same time! Fantastic.

  • Richard

    “Rhiannon” by Stevie Nicks…oooooooh