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Entries Tagged as 'TV'

July 2023

August 1st, 2023 · Comments Off on July 2023 · Life

July was a month of mixed fortunes. A month of profit and pain. After June broke my run of three months in a row of Premium Bond wins, I bounced right back in July with three wins that came to £175 in total. I was still glowing from that when I received a big gold […]


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June 2023

July 5th, 2023 · Comments Off on June 2023 · Life, Music

After months of dreary rain, cold, and high winds, I finally found some days suitable for flying my drone. The first attempt was just me on my own, down at Wytch Cross to get the hang of it. As I managed that without any disasters, I went down to Arundel to meet up with our […]


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King of Glastonbury

June 26th, 2023 · Comments Off on King of Glastonbury · Music

Last night I watched Elton John’s Glastonbury set with a big grin and moist eyes. It was absolutely monumental. Yes he is getting on a bit, and everybody moaning about his voice is missing the point. He knows very well that he does not have the range that he used to have, hence the adjustments […]


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May 2023

June 3rd, 2023 · 2 Comments · Life

I really should try to find the mental energy to write here more than once a month, but meanwhile here is a summary of the recently-finished May. It was a good month. Any month with three bank holidays in it can’t be anything other than a good month!


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April 2023

May 1st, 2023 · Comments Off on April 2023 · Life

With the days getting noticeably longer and it feeling like there were a few days without rain, I can only blame laziness for the fact that I walked a lot less in April than in March – nearly 60,000 few steps overall and only reached 10,000 steps on 3 days. As I only even got […]


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March 2023

April 1st, 2023 · Comments Off on March 2023 · Life

Apparently the wettest March for a long time, and it felt like it. It was a relentlessly depressing dampness all the way through, but with sufficient breaks in the weather for me to get out a bit more – and at least it has been getting a bit warmer.


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February 2023

March 3rd, 2023 · Comments Off on February 2023 · Life

Another month where I didn’t do a lot or go out much – too bloody cold for me! I did actually drive the car for the first time in 2023 – only for about a mile to pick Jayne up from work, but it still thwarted my ambition to go a couple of whole months […]


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January 2023

February 1st, 2023 · Comments Off on January 2023 · Life

This year I have been trying to keep track of what I am up to. Not keeping a diary as such, just noting down various stuff. The reason is that when it comes to the end of a year I look back and can’t remember much of anything.


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The problem with same-sex couples on Strictly

December 7th, 2022 · Comments Off on The problem with same-sex couples on Strictly · Life

The trend for same-sex couples on Strictly is causing me some problems; not because I am anti-gay but because I am almost entirely ignorant of popular culture these days.



Playing catch-up

February 8th, 2021 · Comments Off on Playing catch-up · Life

During the last few days I have been doing some catching up with watching some things I have been putting off for a while, with mixed levels of enjoyment.


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