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Entries Tagged as 'Life'

Too many podcasts

May 4th, 2024 · 2 Comments · Life

I think I may have reached my limit with podcasts that I subscribe to.



April 2024

May 2nd, 2024 · Comments Off on April 2024 · Life

I had quite limited intentions for 2024 and so far, four months in, I have completely failed to do any of the things I wanted to. Mind you, it really has felt that the year hasn’t started properly anyway. I can’t explain exactly why I feel that way, but I’m sure the weather has to […]


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March 2024

April 1st, 2024 · Comments Off on March 2024 · Life

March was a very unhappy month because we had to say goodbye to one of our dogs at the start of the month and adjust to being a one-dog household after being a two-dog household for over ten years. There are some positives; huge savings on food, vets and medication for a start. It is […]


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RIP Noche (2012-2024)

March 7th, 2024 · Comments Off on RIP Noche (2012-2024) · Life

It has been very difficult for us here recently. Our younger dog has not been well for a long time and today he made his last visit to the vets. We had him since he was a pup, and watched him grow and grow and then grow old.



February 2024

March 2nd, 2024 · Comments Off on February 2024 · Life

Another damp, dull and dreary month. Basically it was just a slightly shorter version of January. Its enough to drive you to drink, and in my case it actually did because I opened up a bottle of wine and drank the lot, though it did take me four days to get through it all because […]


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January 2024

February 1st, 2024 · Comments Off on January 2024 · Life

I know its not just me that feels like January lasted for ever. Everybody was joking about it on Twitter so much that it became a cliche, but it really did seem to drag on. Obviously it has been miserable and cold, but its winter, and although we had a little bit of snow it […]


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Time and a Word

January 21st, 2024 · Comments Off on Time and a Word · Life

There are a few words that keep cropping up in online conversations and commentary on social media, and newspaper comment pieces, that are not new words, but which seem to appear a lot more than they used to. In fact, I reckon that these words were very rare about ten years ago. It is only […]



2023 – Ghosts Again

January 6th, 2024 · Comments Off on 2023 – Ghosts Again · Life, Music

As a born and bred Essex boy from Basildon, its amazing that I have got this far into my lifetime playlist without putting a Depeche Mode track on it. South-East Essex has been represented by Doctor Feelgood and Yazoo already, but it has taken this long for our biggest export to get included.


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December 2023

January 4th, 2024 · Comments Off on December 2023 · Life

December is a funny old month. It can just slip by as you focus on getting this crappy year over and hope than the next one will be better somehow. Towards the end of the month a lot of people, especially those with children, knock of for Christmas a week early, making work difficult because […]


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A year of reading

December 29th, 2023 · Comments Off on A year of reading · Life

At the beginning of 2023 I set myself a target to read 100 books in the year and, somehow, I have over-achieved by 20%, having read 120 as of today. Its a good place to stop because it makes the maths really easy to work out: an average of 10 books per month. I guess […]

