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Entries Tagged as 'Technology'

A sign of the times

September 12th, 2019 · Comments Off on A sign of the times · Technology

I saw one of these in a car the other day… On the one hand its a clever way to mount a phone in your car, using the now-redundant CD slot to hold it. on the other hand it just makes me feel old. It only seems like yesterday that CDs were the future and […]


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The Final Countdown

July 21st, 2019 · Comments Off on The Final Countdown · Life, Technology

This evening, for no particular reason, I watched the film The Final Countdown on Amazon. I had seen it before, probably more than once, but fancied an unchallenging film to pass the time. Its a bit like the Philadelphia Experiment, with a modern warship going back in time. In this case its the aircrat carrier […]



WordPress help needed

February 1st, 2019 · 3 Comments · Technology

I have been getting a lot of spam comments lately. Most gets caught in the filters, but a lot ends up in the to-be-approved queue and takes time to clear out. I have noticed that nearly all of it is on the same page – and it is a ‘page’ in WordPress terminology rather than […]


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Lenovo fanboy

June 19th, 2018 · Comments Off on Lenovo fanboy · Technology

I bought a new mobile phone last week. After several Sony Xperias I went for a new Moto G6 after finally acknowledging that my eyes and fingers don’t cope so well on a compact phone I wanted something bigger, but the big Sonys are a bit pricey. When I turned it on I was greeted […]



Three little words

September 2nd, 2017 · Comments Off on Three little words · Life, Technology

I am finding the website endlesslessly fascinating, especially the map part of it. Basically it is a concept for a geolocation system. The whole world is overlaid with a grid of 3-metre squares and each square has a unique name made up from a combination of three randomly-assigned words. The idea is to have […]


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Random nostalgia

August 30th, 2017 · 1 Comment · Technology

Today I remembered, for no particular reason, Serif PagePlus. With the benefit of hindsight I think it may be my favourite bit of software ever. At the time it was truly remarkable. It seemed to do just about all the things that high end DTP software would do, or at least all the things a […]



Mind the gap

August 25th, 2017 · Comments Off on Mind the gap · Music, Technology

Most of the famous gaps in Spotify’s library have now been filled, with Pink Floyd, the Beatles, Kraftwerk, Pink Floyd, Metallica all becoming available with a lot of publicity, and the Prince back catalogue reappearing after his death. I think Jay-Z is largly unavailable because he has his own rival streaming service, and a few […]



New ways to spend money

June 17th, 2017 · Comments Off on New ways to spend money · Life, Technology

It seems like each new advance in technology just gives you more opportunities to spend money buying stuff you already have. The advent of CD led a lot of people to buy new copies of LPs they had on vinyl – a trend that is now getting reversed to an extent. The advent of DVD […]



Inflation madness

December 14th, 2016 · Comments Off on Inflation madness · Technology

I had an email from Virgin Media the other day. Remember how we used to just have razor blades? And then we started to have razors with two blades? They were advertised by an animation showing how the first blade left a bit of stubble and the second blade caught that? And then it turned […]


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Time lapse

December 7th, 2016 · Comments Off on Time lapse · Technology

Well this is fun! But also frustrating because we are now used to quite high resolution satellite imagery and obviously the whole time lapse thing can only be done to the resolution of the worst  in the dataset. If you zoom in to Crawley you can see the major changes, like Maidenbower springing up, but […]

