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Entries Tagged as 'Motorbike'

May 2023

June 3rd, 2023 · 2 Comments · Life

I really should try to find the mental energy to write here more than once a month, but meanwhile here is a summary of the recently-finished May. It was a good month. Any month with three bank holidays in it can’t be anything other than a good month!


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April 2023

May 1st, 2023 · Comments Off on April 2023 · Life

With the days getting noticeably longer and it feeling like there were a few days without rain, I can only blame laziness for the fact that I walked a lot less in April than in March – nearly 60,000 few steps overall and only reached 10,000 steps on 3 days. As I only even got […]


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March 2023

April 1st, 2023 · Comments Off on March 2023 · Life

Apparently the wettest March for a long time, and it felt like it. It was a relentlessly depressing dampness all the way through, but with sufficient breaks in the weather for me to get out a bit more – and at least it has been getting a bit warmer.


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All dressed up…

January 11th, 2023 · Comments Off on All dressed up… · Life

…and nowhere to go! One of my Christmas presents from Jayne was a nice pair of chunky motorbike boots. A belated present to myself was a new helmet. I decided to treat myself for a few reasons. Firstly, my old helmet is getting a bit loose. It would appear that my head has shrunk a […]


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Bad financial planning a speciality

November 21st, 2022 · Comments Off on Bad financial planning a speciality · Life

It is nearly December. The time of year when I remember how bad I am at financial planning. Already my e-mail inbox is over-flowing with reminders of annual payments and subscriptions that will be due in the next month. So far it is RAC membership, motorbike insurance, motorbike tracker subscription, CostCo membership, and probably a […]


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On the road again

October 26th, 2022 · Comments Off on On the road again · Life

Having spent a week seeing, and trying to avoid getting run over by, all those mopeds, scooters and motorcycles in Istanbul I was getting a bit of an itch to get on my own bike for a bit of a spin and today I had a good excuse. I needed to pay some cash into […]


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Born to be mild

October 9th, 2022 · Comments Off on Born to be mild · Life

The last time I posted about motorbikes was back in November last year, when I passed my test and was thinking about what bike to get. Of course there has been some activity on that front. I did go out and do the stupid thing and buy a bike in December, when it was going […]



Two wheels on my wagon

November 9th, 2021 · 1 Comment · Life

Today I reached the end of a long and double-delayed journey when I passed the road test to get my full motorcycle licence. It took nearly four years, but I got there in the end.



Lagging behind

March 30th, 2019 · Comments Off on Lagging behind · Life

I am now lagging behind Mrs. Skudder. Last year I got a scooter in January. I enjoyed it so much I bought a second-hand motorbike in about June and then Jayne and I got our CBT so we could ride it. Since then Jayne has joined several womens motorbike groups and been off to various […]



We got ourselves a convoy

February 22nd, 2019 · Comments Off on We got ourselves a convoy · Life

I went to my first biker’s funeral today. It wasn’t somebody I knew, but he was the husband of one of Jayne’s friends from her motorbike women’s group and from the Horsham motorbike group on Facebook. First of all we met up with the Horsham lot at Pease Pottage then rode down to Handcross where […]


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